Addon: Structures 50+

This addon will generate more new interesting structures that can found naturally in your Minecraft world, such as abandoned structures, dungeons, ruins, and many more cool looking structures to discover.
Created By TUTEL_
Structures generate in their specific biome or dimension and each structure had a different distribution.
Some small structures had a higher chance to spawn, and some large structures had a lower chance to spawn. Not all structures is can be found in surface, some can generate in ocean floor, sky, and underground. Most of the structures had a different varieties, and some structures had a hidden mob spawner, loot chest & ore.
Here are the structures will generate:
Haunted Mini House
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Dark House 1
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.25%
- With Loots
Dark House 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Miner Camp
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Cold Taiga, Sunflower Plains, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.2%
- With Loots
Miners Camp
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.34%
- With Loots
Acacia House
- Spawn in: Surface (Savanna Biome)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Ancient Camp
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Trap House
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Oak House 1
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Oak House 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
Lush Hut
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
Jungle Tree House
- Spawn in: Surface (Jungle)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
End House
- Spawn in: Surface (The End)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Medium Brick House
- Spawn in: Surface (Plains)
- Chance: 0.2%
- With Loots
Simple House 1
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Sunflower Plains, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Simple House 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Birch Biome and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Secret Brick House
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
Mini Mushroom House
- Spawn in: Surface (Mushroom Island)
- Chance: 0.65%
- With Loots
Desert House
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Spawner Ball
- Spawn in: Underground (Overworld)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Abandoned Maze
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Jungle, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.25%
- With Loots
Big Haunted House
- Spawn in: Surface (Taiga Biome and Plains)
- Chance: 0.25%
- With Loots
Mini Dungeon 1
- Spawn in: underground (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Mini Dungeon 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Mini Desert Tower Dungeon
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
Spruce Dungeon
- Spawn in: Underground (Taiga Biome)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
Spider Nest
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains) Underground (Overworld)
- Chance: Surface 0.57% Underground 0.75%
- With Loots
Mini Oak Zombie Spawner
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Mooshroom Spawner
- Spawn in: Surface (Mushroom Island)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Witch Tree
- Spawn in: Surface (Taiga)
- Chance: 0.34%
- With Loots
Abandoned Village
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
Deep Dark Village
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.2%
- With Loots
Floating Lush Island
- Spawn in: Sky (Overworld)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
Phantom Spawner
- Spawn in: Sky (Overworld)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Sky Birch House
- Spawn in: Sky (Birch Biome)
- Chance: 0.5%
- With Loots
Sky Lantern
- Spawn in: Sky (Overworld)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Desert Ruins 1
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
Desert Ruins 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Desert Ruins 3
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Desert Ruins 4
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
Desert Ruins 5
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
Mini Abandoned Prison
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.4%
- No Loots
Mossy Bricks
- Spawn in: Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
- 4 Variants
Mossy Bricks
- Spawn in: Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
- 4 Variants
Ruined Tower
- Spawn in: Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
Red Sand Ruins 1
- Spawn in: Surface (mesa)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Red Sand Ruins 2
- Spawn in: Surface (mesa)
- Chance: 0.5%
- With Loots
Red Sand Ruins 3
- Spawn in: Surface (mesa)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Abandoned Blacksmith
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Swampland, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.2%
- With Loots
Abandoned Spruce House
- Spawn in: Surface (Cold Taiga and Taiga)
- Chance: 0.34%
- With Loots
Ruins 1
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Jungle, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Ruins 2
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
Abandoned Camp
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Amethyst Shed
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Jungle, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.34%
- With Loots
Buried Chest (Common)
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Swampland, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- With Loots
Buried Chest
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Mining Geode
- Spawn in: Underground (Overworld)
- Chance: 0.4%
- With Loots
Lush Pond
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.3%
- With Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Ocean)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Red Sand Wither Spawn
- Spawn in: Surface (Mesa)
- Chance: 0.25%
- No Loots
Scarecrow Light
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Swampland, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Swampland, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.5%
- No Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
Mysterious Prison
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.32%
- No Loots
Mini Mushroom Tower
- Spawn in: Surface (Mushroom Island)
- Chance: 0.5%
- No Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
- 4 Variants
Free Honey
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Sunflower Plains, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.5%
- With Loots
Desert Wishing Well
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.35%
- With Loots
Desert Well
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.45%
- No Loots
Amethyst Shrine
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest, Flower Forest, Birch Forest, Cold Taiga, Jungle, Sunflower Plains, Savanna, Taiga, and Plains)
- Chance: 0.45%
- With Loots
Azalea Tree
- Spawn in: Surface (Forest and Plains)
- Chance: 0.3%
- No Loots
- Spawn in: Surface (Desert Biome)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
- 3 Variants
- Spawn in: Surface (Biomes)
- Chance: 0.75%
- No Loots
- 8 Variants