12-10-2022, 22:09

Addon: Mo'Dungeons

3 826
Addon: Mo'Dungeons

Mo'Dungeons is an add-on that adds new dungeons into the game, it will be a growing mod overtime and will feature new weapons, armor, entities.

Created By PegasusLighty 

 Mo'Dungeons Beta V0.6.0

Mo'Dungeons is a growing mod that currently features multiple new dungeons and one new boss. (tested platforms: Windows 10) 

I have released a brand new version of Mo'Dungeons as of the 29th August 2022. All the old content is included but with new up-to date dungeons and structures to encounter!

This wouldn't be possible without the dedication of the development team! 

Thankyou Difis, Hanif, Izumi and Oz for helping with this project!



New Dungeons/Buildings/Items/Entities V0.6.0

!!!!This description only includes the newest dungeons as of the making of this update description. Their is already over another 12 dungeons already in the add-on that are not featured in this update description for ease of reading purposes, same goes for the mobs and items in this add-on as their is two other item sets to acquire and brand new ores to find underground, we will have a wiki page detailing all the documentation soon but for now we only feature the newest additions to the add-on!!!!

Mud House


Sky Fort


Ruined Portal


Large Ship


Mage Tower




Ruined Shrine


Vine Tower


Sky Temple




Guardian Boss (Heavily alpha but does provide 100 -  300 EXP and a Guardian Gem Stone when killed) 



New Entities

Mage Entity (Can be found in a mage tower, he trades rare and precious goods from the add-on!)



Mandragora Entity (Can be found in the wilds, he likes to hide in the ground and doesn't like being pestered by pesky players! He currently has no use for the add-on dungeon wise but will do in future builds, for now he is just a cool pet you can acquire!)



Guardian Gem Stone (Can be acquired from killing the guardian boss or trading with the mage entity)


Uncharged Guardian Summoning Scroll, this is acquired from the mage entity and is needed with the Guardian Gem stone to make the charged Summoning Scroll


Guardian Summoning Scroll Charged (This can be acquired by putting a guardian gem stone and an uncharged guardian scroll into a crafting table and can be used to summon the new Guardian boss!


Dwarven Items, the tools can be acquired by crafting them in a dwarven forge or trading for them from a dwarf trader. The Armor can only be acquired by crafting it in a dwarven forge with dwarven ingots, which can be obtained by smelting iron ingots in any type of furnace to make refined iron ingots which can then be used with a dwarven hammer at a dwarven forge to make dwarven ingots. (!!!dwarven hammer can only be acquired first time by trading for it from the dwarf trader, same with the dwarven forge!!!)






Update Beta version 0.6.0 - Big update with heavy bug fixes and heavy content drops!

1. Optimised dungeon spawning and removed the surface dungeon for optimisation purposes

2. Added over 5+ new dungeons!

3. Added the very first boss to the add-on, the Guardian boss! (Heavily alpha phase, but is fightable!)

4. Added the mage entity

5. Added the mandragora entity

6. Snow zombies now spawn in cold biomes

7. Skeleton warrior now spawns from light level 0 - 7

8. more mobs now drop EXP

9. Added functionality with the upcoming Mo'Dungeons Random Dungeon Generation Add-on!

10. Made previously created dungeons spawn chances underground more likely


Each item is viewable in the crafting menu in survival and has each recipe prepared for you, so you do not need to manually put in each item.

To acquire any of the items in the add-on, simply type in chat while cheats are enabled "/ give @s mc:" and then each item in the mod will appear for you to acquire or look for them in the creative menu


Download MoDungeons Addon (.mcaddon)

[8.69 Mb] Downloads: 958


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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