1-08-2022, 22:04

Addon: Raid Pillager Finder (Java Parity)

2 501
Addon: Raid Pillager Finder (Java Parity)

This addon brings some sort of parity from java edition. The ability to find pillagers during raids by ringing the bell. It also adds a custom glowing effect from java edition.

If you have played Java Edition you already know how this addon works. Ding the bell and you would be able to see the pillagers. 

How To Use:

  • During Raids Go near a bell (within 4 blocks)
  • Ding the bell
  • It will apply a custom glowing effect on nearby pillagers (within 80 blocks)

The glowing effect will only last for 5 seconds on the pillagers.


Download Pillager Finder (.mcaddon)

[489.64 Kb] Downloads: 265


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. Человек

    Я скачал мод, патамушта я не мог найти 1 рейда, захожу в майн, включаю мод и я вылетаю из майна, теперь я не могу зайти!!!!! 

    Я и за этова мода потерял ВСЁ!!!!!!!! 
