1-08-2022, 19:45

Addon: SiegeCraft

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Addon: SiegeCraft

SiegeCraft is an Add-on for Minecraft that adds powerful stationary weapons that you can use to crush all who stand in your way!

Currently, it adds the Fort Cannon and the Field Cannon as well as almost a dozen different ammunition types, each with their own unique uses and visuals.
More siege weapons and ammo types are planned to be added in the future!

Created By Big Onion Institute

You can quickly spawn every item in this add-on by using the "All Siege Items" spawner in the Creative Mode Menu. 

All SiegeCraft Items 

Field Cannon

This addon currently features the cannon as its premier siege weapon. It comes in two variants: The Field Cannon, which you see here on the left, and the Fort Cannon. The Field Cannon prioritizes mobility and flexibility. You can move it around with a lead to quickly reposition the cannon. It can withstand some damage but is mainly meant to be used offensively, not defensively. For example, it would be great to use to attack a nether fortress or an end city.


Fort Cannon

This is a mainly defensive Cannon and prioritizes defense over offense. This cannon has a lot of health and, as a result, is very difficult to tear down once placed. You can nudge it, however. That way, you can get its position just right after placing. This cannon is designed to defend your base during raids or positions you have previously fortified. It can be moved by boat, however.


Siege Workshop

This is the siege workshop. It is where you "craft" every item in this add-on.



All Ammo Types

Currently, there are 7 different ammo types for the cannons in the normal version of this add-on.


Cannon Ball

The most basic ammo type are cannon balls. They are very cheap and reliable, and are probably going to be the rounds you use the most. They deal respectable splash damage and do very high damage with direct hits, high enough to kill a ravager in just three shots.

Explosive Shell

This ammunition type is no joke. It does comparable damage to normal cannon balls but with much greater splash damage. It can easily take out groups of enemies in a single hit. 

Chain Shot

This is a relatively cheap type of ammunition to produce and is very easy to hit with. It is literally two cannon balls attached to each other by a chain and will spin wildly, giving it a much greater chance to hit. It's not the most damaging shot in the game, but it is effective against hard-to-hit targets.

Canister Shot

Another option for hitting fast or small targets is the Canister Shot. It turns the cannon into essentially a giant shotgun and fires dozens of pellets all at the same time. Each one only does a little bit of damage by itself, but it can deal massive damage close up.

Heated Shot

This shot is essentially just a really hot cannonball designed to set things on fire. You can add this one to your arsenal to spice things up.  

Rocket Shot

This shot is another type of explosive round that has the added benefit of detonating when in the proximity of an enemy. This can be really helpful when shooting at phantoms.

Wither Shot

The wither shot is essentially a superpowered version of the skulls that the wither shoots. It has a massive blast radius and will inflict the wither effect on everything it touches. It's definitely the hardest ammunition to craft, requiring wither skulls, but it is the most deadly.

Glowing Goo Shell 

If you have the Cave Update Remastered installed, you can also craft the glowing goo shell. Due to even more technical limitations, they will need to be made at a crafting table and are made with this recipe. They are very good for lighting up large areas very quickly.

Download Siegecraft (.mcaddon)

[1.13 Mb] Downloads: 690


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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