Addon: Morphing Bracelet

This addon adds an item called morphing bracelet that can make you morph into mobs.
To be able to morph into a mob you want, you need to have the bracelet in your inventory and kill a mob and then use your morphing bracelet and pick the mob you just killed to morph as them.
Created By CookieDookie
To craft this item, you need 4 Soul Soils and 1 Souls in a Glass and place them like how they are placed on the image below:
Souls in a Glass
To be able to obtain this item, you have to smelt soul sand in a furnace. This item isn't only used for crafting the bracelet, you can also use this as a weapon for other players. You can throw this item and hit other entities and it will give them blindness for 10 seconds.
Mobs Information (More mobs coming soon!)
- Have 7 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Have 5 different color variants
- Swims faster than a normal player
- Drowned, Guardian and Elder Guardian attacks you
- Will drown in the air in 5 minutes
- Have baby variant
- You can mine faster underwater
Baby Variant
- Smaller than the adult variant and have a smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- cuter.
- Have 3 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- You can fly just like in Creative Mode (You need to turn the Education Edition on)
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through half block space like slabs
- Ability to fly in survival
- Can sting and poison the mob they hit
- Collects pollen by sneaking inside a flower for 20 seconds and can pollinate crops by going over them
- Can store pollen by interacting a bee hive or bee nest to increase its honey level
- Dies randomly when not having the stinger anymore
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- You can fly just like in Creative Mode (You need to turn the Education Edition on)
- You get a special item that can shoot fireballs!
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Have more damage when you get shot by snowballs
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Falls slow and doesn't have fall damage
- Monsters don't attack you but Iron Golems and Snow Golems do
- Have 5 hearts
- Have many breed variants
- Can scare creepers and phantoms away
- Immune to fall damage
- Have tamed variant
- You can sit by sneaking
- Have baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Tamed Variant
- They have collars on their neck just like the tamed mobs
- Other players can dye your collar
Breed Variants
- Have 11 types of breeds of cats that you can morph
- Each breed have a baby and tamed variants
Cave Spider
- Have 6 hearts
- Smaller compared to a normal spider
- Have an attack damage of 1 heart
- Can inflict poison to the mobs it hit
- Monsters don't attack you
- Can climb walls (Broken on Mobile)
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Immune to poison
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have 2 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- You don't have fall damage and you float when falling
- Ocelots and Foxes attack you
- Have a baby variant
- Can lay eggs by sneaking. Has a 5-10 minutes duration
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Don't lay eggs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 1.5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- You can swim faster than a normal player
- Cannot breathe air
- You can mine faster underwater
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts
- Monsters don't attack you
- Have a charged variant
- Ability to explode when you sneak. You can cancel exploding when you stop sneaking.
- Transforms into charged creeper when got struck by lightning
- You are scared of cats
Charged Variant
- Much larger explosion (The same explosion of the charged creeper)
- Have a blue aura surrounding the body
- Have 5 hearts
- You can mine faster underwater
- Have 1.5 hearts of attack damage
- Swims faster underwater
- You can fit through 1 block spaces
- Can breathe underwater for 4 minutes and breathes air for 2 minutes like how dolphins jump out of water to get air and jump down for water
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Ability to swim fast
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- You can mine faster underwater
- Have a baby variant
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
- Swims faster than the adult Drowned
- You don't receive a trident
- Have 20 hearts (Twice as the hearts of the Player)
- 3 blocks tall
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have attack damage of 3.5 hearts
- You can teleport to the place where you look using the Teleport item
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Have 10 hearts like the vanilla foxes
- Have attack damage of 1 heart
- Monsters don't attack you
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have an arctic variant
- You don't get damaged by sweet berry bushes
- Ability to pounce by sneaking then jumping to a mob
- Have a baby variant
- You don't have fall damage when your pouncing
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Arctic Variant
- Your skin is white just like the arctic foxes in the game
- Has 5 hearts
- Monsters don't attack you
- Ability to fly in survival
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Can shoot fireballs
- Has a size of four blocks
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
Glow Squid
- Has 5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Has a baby variant
- It glows like how enderman eyes glow
- You can mine faster underwater
- Cannot breathe air
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Have a screaming variant
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Can jump high by sneaking then wait for the jump boost to show
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players
- Reduced fall damage by 10%
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Screaming Variant
- Plays a milk sound of screaming goat when milked
- Have 20 hearts
- You will be converted to a Zoglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 1.5 to 4 hearts
- Other monsters don't attack you like ghast
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a knockback resistance of 50%
- Have a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have attack damage of half a heart
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Husks don't burn under the daylight unlike normal zombies
- Taller than any other two block-sized mobs like players and zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
- Gives hunger effect to the mobs you hit
- Transforms into a Zombie when you drowned in water
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Iron Golem
- Have 50 hearts
- They walk really slow
- Three blocks tall so you can't enter normal doors
- Have attack damage of 3.75 to 10.75 hearts
- Shows different degrees of cracking depending on their health
- Has a higher knockback attack than any other mobs
- You don't have knockback when you get hit
- Monsters hit you just like players
- Shows a poppy on its hands when holding one
- Don't drown underwater
- Can be repaired by other players using an iron ingot
- Have 12 hearts
- Can scare wolves
- Have 4 different skin variants
- Players can ride you
- You can spit at mobs using the special item you receive
- Have baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Players can't ride you
- Have 5 hearts
- Transforms to brown variant or vice versa when struck by lightning
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- You are like a cow but with different color and mushrooms on the body
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- You can get milked by other players with a bowl to get mushroom stew
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Doesn't have mushroom on its body
- You are not milkable
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Brown Variant
- Have brown mushroom on its body instead of red mushrooms
- Have a brown skin like the brown mushroom
- Have 5 hearts
- Can scare creepers and phantoms away
- Immune to fall damage
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts
- Can go through one block holes
- You can sit by sneaking
- Have baby variant
- Runs faster than a normal player
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Has 3 hearts
- Ability to fly in survival
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Has 5 different variants
- Can ride on players' shoulders
- Poisonous to cookies
- You don't have fall damage and you float when falling
- Players can feed you cookies and die
- Has 10 hearts like players
- Monsters don't attack you
- Ability to fly in survival
- Burns in daylight just like the phantoms
- Has an attack damage of 3 hearts
- Afraid of cats and ocelots
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Can fit on one block holes
- Have 5 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have a saddled variant
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have a baby variant
- Players can saddle you
- Transforms into zombified piglin when got struck by lightning
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Cannot be saddled by the Players
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Saddled Variant
- You have a saddle on your back
- Players can ride you but they cannot control you
- Have 8 hearts
- Wither Skeletons attack you
- You will get converted to a Zombified Piglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts
- Other monsters don't attack you like zombies
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- You will get a golden sword
- Scared to zombified piglins
Baby Variant
- Can go through one block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Piglin Brute
- Have 25 hearts
- Wither Skeletons attack you
- You will get converted to a Zombified Piglin when you are in the overworld
- Have attack damage of 3.5 hearts and 6.5 hearts with a golden axe
- A stronger variant of Piglins
- Other monsters don't attack you like zombies
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- You will receive a golden axe
- Has 12 hearts
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Has infinite arrows
- Receives crossbow like the real pillagers
- Has an attack damage of 1.5 hearts
- Has a gray skin compared to villagers
Polar Bear
- Has 15 hearts
- Can go through one and a half block holes
- Monsters don't attack you
- Immune to freezing damage on powder snow
- Has an attack damage of 3 hearts
- Has a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through one block holes
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Has 1.5 hearts
- Wild wolves, foxes and cats attack you
- Has a baby variant
- Can run faster
- Fits in one block holes
- Has 7 different breed variants
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Has an smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Breed Variant
- There are 6 variants that you can get normally
- The toast variant can be obtained by naming a rabbit Toast
- Have 1.5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- You can swim faster than a normal player
- They have 3 size variants which are normal, small, and big salmon
- Cannot breathe air
- You can mine faster underwater
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 4 hearts (Fewer hearts than Cows)
- Can go through slabs (Just like how you sneak in Java)
- Have a sheared variant
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Players can shear you and get wool
- Have a baby variant
- Sneak to eat grass blocks and restore two food points
- Have colored variants
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Cannot be sheared
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Sheared Variant
- You are naked
- You can regrow your wool by eating grass
Colored Variants
- Have 16 different colors of sheeps
- You can get dyed by someone to change colors
- The wool you drop when you get sheared have different color
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Transforms to Stray when you froze inside a powder snow
- You will receive a bow
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Have infinite arrows just like the skeletons
- Doesn't drown in water
- Transforms to Wither Skeleton when dying from wither effect
- You can ride spiders that spawned as a spider jockey
- Has 3 variants of different sizes
- Can damage players that touch them
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Splits to smaller slimes when you die
- You don't get damaged by slimes touching you
Large Variant
- Has 8 hearts
- Has an attack damage of 2 hearts
- Two blocks size
Medium Variant
- Has 2 hearts
- Has an attack damage of 1 heart
- One block size
Small Variant
- Only has half a heart
- You can't damage other mobs
- Half a block size
- You will die instead of splitting to smaller slimes
Snow Golem
- Have 2 hearts
- Melts in hot biomes like desert and acacia
- You will receive a special snowball that shoots infinite snowballs
- Monsters attack you
- Have a sheared variant
- You can be sheared by players and you will drop a pumpkin
- Have a snow trail
- Can get hurt in water and rain
- Immune to freezing on powder snow
Sheared Variant
- You don't have a pumpkin in your head
- Have 8 hearts
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- Can climb walls
- Their eyes glow in the dark
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Immune to poison
- Have 5 hearts
- Can breathe underwater
- Have a baby variant
- You can mine faster underwater
- Cannot breathe air
- Axolotls kill you
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Burns in daylight just like the skeletons
- You have a bow
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Have infinite slowness arrows just like the strays
- Doesn't drown in water
- Immune to freezing on powder snow
- Has 10 hearts
- Has a saddled variant
- Can walk on lava
- Monsters don't attack you
- Slower and Has a purple color when not on lava
- Has a baby variant
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Players can saddle you
Baby Variant
- Cannot be saddled by the Players
- Has a smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Saddled Variant
- You have a saddle on your back
- Players can ride you but they cannot control you
- Has 15 hearts
- You can mine faster underwater
- Moves slower when on land but moves faster when underwater
- You can fit through 1 block spaces
- Can both breathe air and water!
Baby Variant
- Smaller compared to an adult variant
- Undead mobs and wild animals attack you
- Has an smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
- Drops scute when growing into an adult
- Has 7 hearts
- Ability to fly in survival
- It can't phase through walls like what vexes can do because of the game's limitation
- Monsters don't attack you but Iron Golems and Snow Golems do
- Has an iron sword like the real vexes
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Has an attack damage of 1.5 hearts without any weapon
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Have 10 hearts
- Have biomes variant so you can disguise on villages that are in different biomes
- Zombies, Drowned, and Husk attacks you
- Have a baby variant
- Doesn't have job variants yet
- You will be converted to a zombie villager when you are killed by a zombie or husk
- Have 12 hearts
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Receives iron axe like the real vindicators
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts and 6.5 hearts with an iron axe
- Shows arms when holding weapons
- Have a gray skin compared to villagers
- Has 23 hearts
- Monsters don't attack you
- Has a paler skin compared to a villager and wearing a purple robe
- Receives a drinking potion for defense and a splash potion for attacking. Sneak and use while holding one of the potion to switch to another potion
- Iron Golem and Snow Golem attack you
- Have 300 hearts
- Cannot be damaged by undead mobs like zombies
- Ability to fly in survival
- Immune to wither effect
- Receives two items that can shoot wither skull projectile
- Have blue aura on its body when its half health or below
- 3 blocks tall
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
Wither Skeleton
- Half block taller than the player
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Have attack damage of 2 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- You will receive a stone sword
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems, Snow Golems, and Wolves attack you
- Doesn't drown in water
- Gives wither effect to the mobs you hit
- Immune to the wither effect
- Have 4 hearts
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Have a tamed variant
- Has an attack damage of 2 hearts
- Monsters don't attack you unlike when you are a player
- Have attack damage of two hearts
- Have a baby variant
- Players can dye you to change the color of your collar
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have smaller hitbox
- You can grow into an adult
Tamed Variant
- Have collars on their neck just like the tamed mobs
- Their eyes have an extra white pixel above their pupil
- The tail rises and lowers depending on its health
- Other players can dye your collar
- Have 20 hearts
- Have attack damage of 1.5 to 4 hearts
- Other monsters don't attack you like ghast
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a knockback resistance of 50%
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Have a baby variant
Baby Variant
- Can go through half-block holes like slabs
- Have attack damage of half a heart
- Have smaller hitbox
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Villagers flee from you
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
- Transforms to Drowned when you drowned in water
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Zombified Piglin
- Have 10 hearts like players
- Piglins flee from you
- Have attack damage of 2.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- Doesn't burn in lava or fire
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- Doesn't drown in water
- You will receive a golden sword when you transform as a zombified piglin
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
- You don't receive a golden sword
Zombie Villager
- Have 10 hearts
- Villagers flee from you
- Burns in daylight just like the zombies
- Have biomes variant
- Have attack damage of 1.5 hearts (Compared to the player who has attack damage of 1 heart)
- Monsters don't attack you
- Iron Golems and Snow Golems attack you
- Have a baby variant
- You can be cured with a weakness and golden apple by other players or by eating a golden apple yourself
- It zombifies the villagers you kill in Hard or Normal Difficulty
Baby Variant
- Can go through 1 block holes
- Ability to run fast
- Have smaller hitbox
Biomes Variant
- Have 7 different types of biome variant
- Turn on the Beta APIs experimental toggle for the add-on to work.
- DO NOT turn on the Holiday Creator Features experimental toggle since it can cause items to break.
- Turn on the Education Edition toggle to be able to use the flying ability of a mob.
- It is not recommended to have this add-on installed with other add-ons in the same world.