Addon: Aeon Fantasy (Final Fantasy)

A Fantasy Addon that based on Final Fantasy Series. This addon have variable mobs, unique taming system, unique crafting ways and etc.
Created By RavemonGaming
A Volcanic Lair where ifrit ,tarasque and bomb spawn
Macalania Woods is a magical forest filled with pyreflies and magic flower that attract them.
Blue Crustal
Spawn in cave and can be use to craft weapon. Break it using pickaxe
Use to enchant some tools
- Vampire : give regeneration effect when attacking
- Double Jump
- Frozen Attack

DualHorn Helmet
- Look down then up quick will activing Dualhorn Helmet's Skill
- Knockback enemy
Ifrit Axe now have 3d Model
Exploda twinblade
- Is A Thiefsword that provide 8+ damage.
Buster Sword
is classified as an enormous broadsword. From tip to handle, it is approximately five to six feet long, with a single-edged large blade approximately one foot wide.
brotherhood Sword
is a longsword terminating in a long hook with a shimmering blue, water-like blade. The grip is wrapped in a brown material, and a red ribbon hangs from the pommel area
Magic Couldron
New Potion List & Effect
- 1. Phoenix Down - Revive when die (2x Use)
- 2. Holy Water - Throw to Damaging Hostile Mobs
- 3. Eye Drops - Cure Blind
- 4. Antidote - Cure Poison
- 5. Elixir - Heal 5 Hearts & Give 100Exp
- 6. Ether - Give 50exp
- 7. Hi Ether - Give 100exp
- 8. Potion - Heal 3 Hearts
- 9. Hi-Potion - Heal 5 Hearts
Now every skill of weapon have cooldown

Behemoth (Baby)
A hulking beast with large, powerful horns. Also a heavy mouth breather. But even heavier than that is its fearsome Heavy Counter, which is enough to make even the spooniest bard sorry he swung his lute.
Tameable : chicken [will change]
*note variants will added in next update
-Kuza Beast
Few know that this reclusive desert-dwelling creature lashes together individual needles for its 1000 Needle attack, a fact which suggests that Cactuars are in fact intelligent enough for tool use.
Lizard strain that mutated wildly at some point during its evolution. It spawn in Infernal Hollow
Drops Eye and Bigbone
the Bomb's primary method of damage is Self-Destruct, but usually only when its HP is low, or after being hit a certain number of times. Before self-destructing they are prone to biting, ramming, and casting fire magic.
Drop Bomb Powder
Bomb fit with bucket now, use lava bucket to catch them
Normal bomb
Bomb touch soul fire
Bomb near end crystal
Drops Scales and Fin
Spawn in Ocean
specializes in the art of Black Magic, with her Sphere Grid giving her access to many offensive spells, and her Overdrive, Fury, allows her to cast many Black Magic spells rapidly. She commands various dolls to attack and help her cast spells.
She Mastering 4 Magic
Is a Large avian creatures, chocobos roughly act as the Final Fantasy equivalent of horses, being domesticated for use as mounts, for pulling carts and carriages and for racing.
A large, two-horned herbivore commonly found around world. Using their sturdy legs to support them, they charge at enemies with their entire body weight, use their horn to throw rock and Can manipulated their horn. Their rough, armor-like skin protects them from both hunters and the heat.
Have 4 Species
- -DarkHorn Spawn only at Night
- -BloodHorn Spawn in Mesa Biome
- -BlackHorn Spawn in Plains
- -GrandHorn Spawn in Snow/Frozen Biome
Skill :
- They can throw block to attack enemy and also charge up enemy with their horn when enemy close to them
- Drops Hide,Horns and Meat(Cooked)
Iron Giant
Have 4 variants and mastering 4 magics
- -Fire
- -Aero
- -Blizzard
- -Thunder
Vivi will be NPC that provide you various quest, if you finish the quest you can get reward. Vivi will protect Villager & Village.
Health : 550
Skill :
- Melee : Tail Attack
- Bring to Death : Catch enemy and bring it midair then drop it
- TeleBats : When being attacked sometimes Diablos will become bats and teleport near you
- DeadBats : When Diablos dead he will explode and become a ton of Bats
- Dark Messager : Diablos absorb dark energy into dark ball then throw it
Natural Spawn in Nether (will add structure in future update)
When fighting Diablos and he fly too high you can hit him with Bow/Crossbow so Diablos will teleport back to ground
- Diablos Drop Items

- Craftable Items

- For Crafting Wing, you need 18 broken wings.
- Repair Broken wing using Forging Anvil & Iron Hammer

- Places 2 broken wings level 0 ,than hit with iron hammer until repaired. Repeat

Health : 60
Skill :
- Diamond Light : Giving buff to Player when Player got hurt by something (Lava, cactus or from Hostile Mob)
Carbuncle Spawn in cave near diamond, they really like diamond and will getting close to you when you bring diamond.
You can also use the diamond for taming them.
Carbuncle love to bring items in back, actually what they bring is Gift to you.

Health : 500
Skill :
- Melee Attack : Claw
- Ground Slam : Ifrit Slam Ground make a circle of flames and knockback the enemy
- Hellfire : Ifrit Jump and Throw Meteor to Enemy
Natural Spawn in Mesa Biome
- Ifrit Drops Items

- Craftable items

- We Called Summoning instead of Taming for Ifrit.
You Must Place 4 Magma Block a cross and 1 Gold Block in the middle, then Interact Gold Block with Ifrit's Soul.
Soul will Going midair with flame then you can give soul with diamond.
Ifrit Summoned as Yours Now!
Note : Dont Break ritual block when Soul in Midair, or Ifrit will Summoned as enemy again
Change Log
- Fix Many Bugs and Animation
- Add Cooldown Skill for weapon
- New Biome
- New Mobs
- New Enchants
- New Items
- New Potion Recipe Book