Addon: Shatter
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Ever wonder why arrows can't destroy glass? It would make sense if they were able to, so by using this add-on that becomes possible! Using arrows or a trident you can shoot at fragile blocks and destroy them. This add-on is very simple but makes your game a little more realistic and fun.
Created By JEBR Gaming
List of blocks that can be destroyed:
- Glass panes
- Candles
- Torches
- Lanterns
- Flower pots
- Vines (all types)
- Lily pads (only when shot from below)
- Pointed dripstone
- Big dripleaves
- Amethyst clusters and buds
- Turtle eggs
Note: Shatter is also compatible with the Forgotten Fireflies, meaning firefly lanterns can also be destroyed by arrows/tridents.
Watch the trailer:
If you are on iOS: Open the file with the Notes app, then from there you will be able to open in Minecraft.