18-04-2022, 10:17

Addon: Parasyte Morph

6 164
Addon: Parasyte Morph

Created By Fredzim

New parasyte addon for minecraft bedrock edition which is based on japanese amine that shows a teenager fighting an onslaught of parasites from space with the help of migi, a docile parasitic creature that lives in his right hand.

The addon contains 3 forms of Parasyte that you can be, in this version the craft is not but you will have everything when you start your minecraft world, below are all the items added in the addon


Parasyte Form 1

Parasyte Form 2

Parasyte King Form

With this item below you can select the form you want to use

These are the three icons and shapes that are available in the addon

Download Parasyte Morph (.mcaddon)

[974.79 Kb] Downloads: 433

Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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