18-04-2022, 10:09

Addon: Demon Slayer

19 616
Addon: Demon Slayer

Created By Fredzim

Demon slayer addon for minecraft bedrock with nichirin, oni form, breaths and clothes of amime all in minecraft bedrock, very fun and playable addon in multiplayer, with craft to play in survival

Zenitsu's kimono + Katana

Tanjiro Kimono

Inosuki mask

Oni shapes added in addons


Oni lower fifth moon

Oni first upper moon

Add anime katanas on minecrtaft bedrock


Inosuke Katana

Kokoshibo Katana

Tanjiro Kanata

Zenitisu Katana


In the addon there are mobs that when defeated, will drop the katana for you to use the addon's breaths these are the mobs that contain in the addon






Download Demon Slayer (.mcaddon)

[4.54 Mb] Downloads: 2028

Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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