1-07-2022, 16:25

Addon: Morningstar War

38 709
Addon: Morningstar War
  • This addon adds 12 3D guns and 7 vehicles into your game and it is the most recommended addon for Minecraft Milsim players.


    Reasons on why this addon is recommended for you:

    • Textured guns and vehicles.
    • No eat mag to reload.
    • Comparatively less space in file size than the previous version of the addon.
    • Gun shot sound range depends on the distance and the type of gun used.
    • All guns have sneak, reload, shooting and running animations.
    • The addon is very stable during multiplayer.
    • Comparatively better quality and quantity with the previous version of the addon.
    • Realistic fire rate for all guns.
    • Subpacks added to reduce animations and increase performance.
    • Guns are now craftable.

    Weapons Included:

    Soviet Arsenal


    1. Ak47
    2. Aks74u
    3. RPK
    4. Mosin Nagant
    5. PP90
    6. Fedorov Avtomat
    7. Dragunov SVD
    8. Dp27
    9. RPG7
    10. APS

    NATO Arsenal


    1. M16
    2. M1014
    3. G3
    4. MG3
    5. M24
    6. M1911
    7. Colt LMG

    Remote Bomb 

    • To detonate the remote bomb the player must eat the remote detonator once
    • You can also diffuse the bomb using the diffuser item.


    Vehicles Included


    1. F4 Phantom
    2. Mig 21

    • To control aircrafts you must hold the joystick.
    • To fire rockets or drop bombs you must eat the item.
    • To fire the 30mm cannon in mig21 you must have 30mm ammo in inventory.
    • F4 Phantom requires 2 people to fire rockets or drop bombs.

    Motor Vehicles 

    1. M939
    2. BTR 80
    3. Speed Boat
    4. Land Rover
    5. Humvee

    • All motor vehicles are easy to control as it uses the basic movement controls.
    • To shoot the 30mm cannon of the BTR80 the vehicle must have 2 people and the gunner must eat the 30mm item to shoot.


    Deatmatch Setup 

    This is a structure that helps you to setup your deathmatch game spawn and scoreboard in few seconds.

    Instructions to set it up

    1. Load "deathmatch_setup" in the structure block.
    2. Spawn the blue and red flag for marking the spawnpoint of both the teams.
    3. Push the "Scoreboard Setup" button and reset button to reset the scores.

    Gun stats 

    If you are interested to know about the statistics of the guns you may click the help menu or "?" icon in the inventory.

    Hide Player Names

    • to hide names - /function disablenames
    • to show names - /function enablenames


    • How to reload ? - Make sure your gun is empty and have the respective mag in your inventory and if you still cant reload please read the instructions on how to apply the addon.
    • How to fly the aircraft ? - Use the joystick item to fly and look up.
    • Why cant I see some things behind the glass of vehicles ? - If you are in android or ios you may not be able to see few things because the new minecraft update has tampered the render system of mobile devices.
    • When is Morningstar war pack version 4 ? - We are working on it but please be patient because we spend so much time making resources and we have less man power to deliver things on time.
    • Will you add more Guns and more Vehicles ? - Yes we are working on things but it would take time to implement it in addon.
    • Does this addon work in Realms ? - We haven't tested it yet.
    • Can I get link of addon in discord ? - We do not provide links of the addon in the discord server.
    • How to craft gun mags ?- You need a piston to craft a mag, it will show the recipe in inventory if you have a piston.

Applying the addon into your world:

  • Before applying the packs you must enable holiday creator features, gametest features, experimental molang features in the world settings.
  • Do not enable all the experiments or it might corrupt the addon in your world.
  • We recommend to use a new fresh world to use this addon.
  • Make sure you have enabled view bobbing and disabled hide hand in your video settings.



Download Morningstar War Mod (.mcaddon)

[5.12 Mb] Downloads: 5789


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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reload, if the code cannot be seen

    Оружие хоть и в оружии нет потрон я взял пулемет и магазин к нему а не перезарежается