Addon: Prehistoric Animalia
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Have you ever wanted to experience the obscure Dinosaurs with a slight fantasy vibe that remains grounded and is semi-accurate? Prehistoric Animalia is the perfect choice for you!
Created By Xterionix YT
New Content
- Added new dinosaurs
The creatures in this addon will be placed in different size groups XS - S - M - L - XL
- Name: Sharovipteryx mirabilis
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Savanna/Desert/Forest
- HP: 4
- Ability: Slow falling (Glide)
- Name: Callichimaera Perplexa
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Oceans
- HP: 4
- Name: Cruralispennia Multidonta
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Dark Forest/Taiga
- HP: 5
- Tamable with: Wheat Seeds and Sweet berries
- Name: Yi Qi (New model and sounds)
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Taiga/Forest
- HP: 6
- Ability: Slow Falling (glide) / Gatherer: When tamed and not made to sit, Yi qi will "yield 1-7 berries" every morning when the owner sleep in a bed
- Tamable with: Spider eye
- Name: Anchiornis Huxleyi
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Taiga/Forest/Dark Forest
- HP: 6
- Ability: Slow falling (Glide)
- Tamable with: Spider eye and Pumpkin seeds
- Name: Haikouichthys Ercaicunensis
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: All Ocean
- HP: 2
- Name: Hallucigenia Sparsa (Now have glowing spikes)
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Warm Oceans
- HP: 2
- Name: Ozimek volans
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Jungle/Dark Forest
- HP: 8
- Ability: Slow falling (glide)
- Name: Platyhystrix rugosus
- Nature: Aggressive towards XS creatures
- Biome: Swampland/River
- HP: 15
- ATK: 3
- Ability: Semi-Aquatic
- Tamable with: Spider eye/Raw Salmon
- Name: Stenonychosaurus Inaequalis
- Nature: Aggressive towards Player/Chicken/Pig/XS creatures
- HP: 20
- Atk: 3
- Biome: Badlands/Taiga/Savannah
- Ability: Steal food items from the player when it attacks
- Tamable: Raw Chicken and Sweet berries
- Name: Masiakasaurus Knopfleri (NEW)
- Nature: Agressive towards Chicken, XS creatures Neutral: Player
- Biome: Mountains/Savanna
- HP: 18
- ATK: 4
- Ability: Deal [Slowness I] to the target
- Name: Oncorhynchus Rastrosus (Saber-toothed Salmon) (NEW)
- Nature: Peaceful
- Biome: Rivers, Swamp
- HP: 17
- Name: Ichthyovenator laosensis
- Nature: Aggressive towards Salmon/Cod/Tropical Fish/Drowned/Player/S-M creatures
- Biome: River/Swamp/Beach
- HP: 120
- ATK: 7
- Tamable with: Raw fishes
- Ability: Semi-Aquatic
- Name: Liopleurodon Pachydeirus (New Model)
- Nature: Aggressive towards Cod/S-M creatures/Player
- Biome: Cold Ocean/Frozen Ocean
- HP: 110
- ATK: 15
- Tamable (Babies) with: Raw cod
- Name: Prionosuchus Plummeri
- Nature: Aggresive towards Salmon/Cow/S-M creatures and Neutral towards Plyaer
- Biome: River/Swamp
- HP: 110
- ATK: 13
- Ability: Semi-Aquatic/Deal [Slowness I] to the target
- Tamable with: Salmon (Babies)
- Name: Carnotaurus Sastrei (NEW)
- Nature: Pig/Cow/Sheep/XS-M creatures/Player
- Biome: Savannah/Desert/Plains
- HP: 100
- ATK: 7
- Tamable with (baby): Raw chicken/Raw mutton
- Ability: Charge (deals Mining Fatigue 1 to target)
Rare variant based Dino evolution
- Name: Acrocanthosaurus Atokensis
- Acrocanthosaurus (normal): Taiga/Taiga Hills
- Acrocanthosaurus (skin): Badlands
- Nature: Aggressive towards Sheep/Goat/M-XL creatures/Player
- Biome: Taiga/Taiga Hills
- HP: 200
- Atk: 10
- Ability: Deal [Weakness I] to the target
- Tamable (Babies) with: Raw Beef/Raw Mutton/Raw Chicken
Albino Variant
- Name: Tarbosaurus Baatar
- Size: L
- Nature: Aggressive towards Cow/Pig/M-XL creatures/Player
- Biome: Jungle/Birch Forest
- HP: 180 / 150 for Albino
- ATK: 18 / 17 for Albino
- Ability: Ravager Roar
- Tamable (Babies) with: Raw Beef/Raw mutton/Raw Chicken/Raw pork
- Size: M
- Nature: Aggresive towards Chicken/Pig/XS-S creatures/Player
- Hp: 75
- Atk: 10
- Biome: Similar to Adult ver
- Size: S
- Nature: Aggresive towards Chicken//XS creatuers
- Hp: 12
- Atk: 3
- Biome: Similar to Adult ver
- Name: Atlasaurus Imelakei
- Nature: Neutral
- HP: 320
- Atk: 30
- Biome: Mountains/Badlands
- Ability: AOE stomp
- Tamable (babies) with: Wheat/Spruce sapling
- Food Point: 1
- Saturation: 3
- Food Point: 3
- Saturation: 10
- Regeneration 1 / 20 sec
- Food Point: 1
- Saturation: 2
- Food Point: 3
- Saturation: 7
- Food Point: 3
- Saturation 5
- Food Point: 6
- Saturation: 10
- Food Point: 5
- Saturation: 3
- Food Point: 10
- Saturation: 16
Slightly weaker than iron armor but gives Strength 1 when full set
- Tarbosaurus unique weapon: Tarboros
- DMG: 17
- Durability: 1850
- Attributes: Great sword, Crowd-control, Heavy
- Ability: AOE Knockback. Sneak and click to activate
Supported Minecraft Versions