21-06-2022, 21:04

Addon: Broken Blocks Spawn Mobs

9 465
Addon: Broken Blocks Spawn Mobs

Functionality of this pack is pretty straight forward, whenever any player destroys a block in the world with their hand or some tool, a randomly selected mob will spawn at the original location of the block. You can adjust the pack to only spawn hostile or passive mobs if you want to.

Created By PavelDobCZ23

There are 3 modes available in this pack.

Normal - both hostile and passive mobs spawn (default)
Hard - only hostile mobs spawn
Easy - only passive mobs spawn

Normal mode is selected by default, if you want to switch the mode, click on the gear icon on the pack and choose other mode.

This pack requires GameTest Framework experimental gameplay option!


Download Broken Blocks Spawn Mobs (.mcpack)

[40.51 Kb] Downloads: 298


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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