Addon: Make Monsters Scary Again!

Have you ever thought Minecraft was getting too easy? Do you wish that the monsters were threatening like they once were when you started playing? The Make Monsters Scary Again (MMSA) Addon does exactly what it says it does: making the Minecraft monsters scary again. This addon adds no new mobs or features, instead it tweaks the stats of the vallina mobs to make them threatening once again.
Created By Raid Games
The Changes:
- All monsters listed detection range increased significantly
- Listed monsters no longer need to see the player to detect them
Increased Health
Converts to Drowned in only three seconds
Spawns with a random movement speed ranging from
Damage ranges from 1-20
Baby zombies damage ranges from 1-3
Dev note: Zombies are so easy to avoid and even if they hit you, it doesn’t matter that much. They also just aren’t that scary. So I decided to change that. Making them faster was obvious, but it didn’t feel right to make them too fast. So I also gave them variable damage. A zombie could only do 5 damage, but it can also do 15, and there’s no way to know until it hits you. So even if they are still a little slow, the zombies remain threatening because they always have the possibility to kill you instantly when they get too close.
Now shoots Slowness IV arrows
- Health lowered to 15
Shoots arrows significantly faster
Dev note: Skeletons are not fun to fight up close. They destroy so much health and generally are unsatisfying to kill with a sword, so I removed that possibility entirely. Now if you even attempt to fight a skeleton without a bow, you will definitely die.
Health decreased to 15
Explosion power reduced
Creepers now explode almost instantly
Creepers now begin exploding within one block of the player
Dev note: I hate fighting creepers. Having to stay in just the right range to be able to kill them without exploding is annoying and unfun (plus half the time they explode anyways). To fix this, I made it so that they don’t explode unless they are right next to you. This led to the unintended consequence of the creeper instantly killing you when they exploded, and that wasn’t fun. So I turned their explosion power down so that they only leave the player almost dead when they explode (assuming they're wearing at least iron armor of course). I also made them explode instantly because it’s funny.
Now moves significantly faster (a little faster than a baby zombie)
Damage ranges from 1-3
Dev note: Spiders have eight legs. They have no right being as slow as they are, so I fixed it.
Teleports significantly more often
Attack damage is now 10
Dev note: Just build a two block bunker. If you can’t do that, you deserve to be hit.
Attack damage is now 6
Now swims significantly faster
Dev note: For a monster that spends most of its time underwater, drowned's suck at swimming. The player has no right to be able to outswim them. I also made it so that zombies turn into drowned's much faster since in playtest jumping into water became an easy way to avoid them.
Other Features:
The creator removed sleep because skipping the night takes away most of the challenge of Minecraft. Now you must use think about how much time you spend outside more carefully so as to not waste it! Beds still reset your spawn point.
Note: Play on easy or normal difficulty when using this addon.It was not designed for Hard difficulty.
- Sleeping has been disabled
- Skeletons now only have 15 health
- Endermen now only do 10 damage
- Food and hunger have been drastically overhauled