17-05-2024, 00:23

Addon: Roll and Stamina

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Addon: Roll and Stamina

Roll & Stamina is an add-on that adds roll and stamina mechanics to Minecraft, allowing players to perform rolls, consume stamina when running, jumping, or rolling, and experience a temporary speed decrease when taking damage.

Created By kam!i

With a roll, you can escape from an enemy or you can jump 3 blocks above by combining jump and roll. Now when you run it will decrease stamina and when you run out of stamina your speed will be decreased until your stamina back to normal. When you get damaged your speed will be decreased for a few seconds.


  • By tapping sneak you will roll and get some knockback
  • The rolling direction will follow your movement direction, so you can roll backward.

You can combine jump and roll to get a higher jump:


  • Now you have stamina, so when you run out of stamina your speed will be decreased, and cannot jump for a few seconds.
  • Stamina will be consumed when you use roll, run, or jump.
  • Stamina cooldown duration can be affected by potion player used like hunger effect will consume more stamina and speed effect will consume less stamina.
  • Stamina will reset after sleeping.

Damage slow effect

  • When you take damage, your speed will be decreased for a few seconds. This will not affect magic damage like poison and wither effects.


  • When you take an action like mining, attacking, etc. it will add a fatigue bar. when fatigue is at 75% player will get a fatigue and weakness effect then increase roll and stamina exhaustion duration.
  • Fatigue will be decreased after sleeping.


Edge Climb

You can perform an edge climb by holding the jump button when in mid-air:

Grappling Hook

  • A grappling hook is an item that can improve player movement and mobility. It can be customized with minecraft enchantment book.
  • You can use a grappling hook by hold interact with items like using a trident or bow


  • Multishot: to make a grappling hook shoot two hooks at same time.
  • Piercing: to increase maximum distance that hook can reach.
  • Quick charge: to reset cooldown after using grappling hook several times.


  • Rope is an alternative version of scaffolding. rope can be created by attaching a lead to a tripwire hook.
  • Lead have some interaction by performing sneak, jump, or sneak + jump

User Interface

Added a new stamina bar on the under of the experience bar, and a roll bar on the side of the health bar. 

Important Notes

For mobile users, this addon is only suitable for using joystick control settings and turning off the toggle sneak For controller users can roll by double clicking sneak.

You need to enable Beta APIs on the experimental menu. 


Download Roll and Stamina (.mcaddon)

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Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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