Addon: Apocalyptic Cities

A lot of zombie Apocalypse addons tend to focus on the survival aspects and mechanics, rather than the world generation and structures. Apocalyptic Cities aims to rectifie this by generating giant, abandoned cities throughout your world, with loot and secrets to be found!
Created By HamBamBallam
City Generation
- The cities generate in the spruce/taiga biome, forest, birch forest, and plains biome.
- The cities generate in real time and are always different, even if you use the same seed.
- The cities consist of many different types of buildings, of varying heights and varying states of disrepair.
- Roads connect most of the buildings, however some may be directly connected to eachother, and others may be completely separated from the rest of the city.
- The buildings in the city can contain left over supplies from long gone survivors or act as a shelter from mobs.
- The cities are usually devoid of life, such as grass or trees, however, you may be able to hear the sound of distant music coming from some buildings.
Texture Changes
This addon does not add any new blocks or items, however it does retexture some pre existing blocks to better fit the atmosphereGray concrete, black concrete, bricks, dirt, light gray concrete,red concrete, terracotta, lime terracotta, yellow terracotta, mud bricks, white concrete, and quartz bricks have all been retextured.
- This addon needs all experiments except for the 1.21 update ones and the experimental cameras.
- Additionally, the gamerule mob spawning must be set to true for the cities to generate, this is on by default.
- It is recommended that you turn your simulation distance as high as you can to avoid building overlap, and turning your render distance down can add to the atmosphere.
Recommended addons
Because this addon does not add any new features besides structures, it is recommended that you pair it with more addons, for example:
True Survival: Zombie Apocalypse