31-03-2024, 23:31

Addon: My Little Pony

2 945
Addon: My Little Pony

Want to have ponies in world? Or even morph into one? Well this is the add-on for you it adds the main protagonist of the show my little pony friendship is magic in MCPE/BE

Created By BlazingFire203

 New Update 

• Lyra Heartstrings Morph Added

• Lyra Heartstrings Entity Added 


This Add-on has NPC or you can morph into them 

You Can Find The Morph In your Inventory: 


The Earth Pony The classic my little pony role the earth ponies they will have extra strength, due to them having more experience in natural basic activities.

The Unicorn
Unicorns May not be as strong as earth ponies but they have magical abilities that you can use more.

The Pegasus
Pegasus's are not that strong or have magic capabilities, but they can fly as if you were in creative mode.

It adds 2 cool Animations when flying:

Flying (No sprint) 

Flying (With Sprint) 

The Alicorn

The alicorn has the ability of a pegasus and unicorn still physical no strength unlike the earth ponies, and rather than basic magic like the unicorn you have can now use advance magic like time and wither. 

Magic Available for Unicorns/Alicorns:

Note: There is a cool down once you use any abilities if its a basic magic, it cools down faster alicorn magic takes longer to cool down

• Shield Bubble (Increases Armor)

• Teleportation ( Teleports 10 Blocks Infront of you but be careful you might suffocate teleporting in the wrong area)

• Levitation ( Any Entities in a short radius around you will start levitating for a short period of time) 

Magic Available for Alicorns:

• Time ( Able to adjust the time ) 

• Withering ( Add a withering effect in a short to any entities) 

Turn On Education Edition to Allow Pegasus/Alicorn to have an ability to fly 

Experimental Settings:

Download My Little Pony (.mcaddon)

[368.65 Kb] Downloads: 587


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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