17-02-2022, 17:11

Addon: Raiyon's Tree Capitator

20 844
Addon: Raiyon's Tree Capitator

Created By  Lord Raiyon 

Tired of spending too much time felling trees? If so, this addon is for you, adding a fast and dynamic tree felling mechanic.

 The main mechanics of this addon is that when felling the lower part of a tree it will fall completely downhill 

This mechanic works with all types of trees including those of the nether

Requirements In order for the addon to work correctly, the activated experiments are needed

  • -Some Bug was Fixed
  • -Tree Capitator Now Works On Crimson Stems

You need to download both files : behavior and resource!

Download raiyons-tree-capitator (behavior) (.mcpack)

[335.13 Kb] Downloads: 477


Download raiyons-tree-capitator (resource) (.mcpack)

[369.02 Kb] Downloads: 412


Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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