7-03-2024, 01:09

Addon: Minecraft Essentials

4 414
Addon: Minecraft Essentials

This addon can make your Minecraft multiplayer / server / realms be better, because this addon will add Money System, Auction System, Home & Warp System, TPA System, Land System, Ranks System (Permission), and Combat System. You can sell item for Money. You can use TPA to teleport to other player. The addon is very customable.

Created By Paoo  

You can use Minecraft Format to select player.

Example : !money "Test Player" or !money Paoeni or use short name !money Pao


General Command:

  • !back (Teleport to last died location)
  • !help (Provides help/list of commands)
  • !message <player_name> <message> (Send private message to Player)
  • !reply <message> (Reply private message to another player)
  • !playerlist (List of Online Player)
  • !rtp (Random Teleport)
  • !tps (World Tick per Second)
  • !info (Shows information set by the server owner)

Floating Text Command:

  • !floatingtext-add <type: text/scoreboard> (Add Floating Text)
  • !floatingtext-clear (Clear all Floating Text)
  • !floatingtext-edit (Edit Floating Text)
  • !floatingtext-remove (Remove Floating Text)

Home Command:

  • !delhome <home_name> (Removes a home)
  • !home <home_name> (Teleport to your selected home)
  • !listhome (Provides list of your homes)
  • !sethome <home_name> (Create a new home in your current location)

Land Command:

  • !land <options> (Land Claim)
  • !landsetting (Setting Land System)

Money Command:

You can get money from selling item, killing mobs and players, or make a trade to other player.

  • !auctionhouse (Open the auction house)
  • !money <player_money?> (States the current balance of a player)
  • !pay <player_name> <amount> (Pays another player from your balance)
  • !sell (Sell items)
  • !shop (Open the main shop)
  • !topmoney (List players by top balances)
  • !withdraw <amount> (Withdraw your money into banknote)

Ranks Command:

  • !addranks <player_name> (Give Rank to Player)
  • !createranks (Create ranks)
  • !deleteranks (Delete Ranks)
  • !editranks (Edit Ranks)
  • !removeranks <player_name> (Remove Rank from Player)

TPA Command:

  • !tpa <player_name> (Request to teleport to the specified player)
  • !tpacancel <on/off> (Cancel all or specify outstanding teleport requests)
  • !tpaccept <on/off> (Accept a tpa request from player)
  • !tpahere <player_name> (Request that the specified player teleport to you)
  • !tpasetting <on/off> (Set your tpa setting. If its off you can't send tpa request to other player and other player can't send tpa request to you)

Warp Command:

  • !warp <place_name> (Teleport to selected warp)
  • !listwarp (Provides list of available warp)

Admin Command:

Use /tag @s add admin to give you admin command access

  • !adminpanel (Open admin panel)
  • !ban <player_name> <reason> (Bans a player)
  • !broadcast <message> (Broadcasts a message to a world)
  • !delwarp <place_name> (Removes a warp)
  • !economy <place_name> (Manages the server economy)
  • !inventorysee <player_name> (See the inventory of other players)
  • !kick <player_name> <reason> (Kick a specified player with a reason)
  • !log (Open Logs)
  • !mute <player_name> (Mutes a player)
  • !resetdata (Reset all or specific Data)
  • !sellsetting (Setting items in sell, Join Discord for Tutorial)
  • !setting <settingname> <value> (Set a configuration)
  • !setwarp <place_name> (Create a new warp)
  • !shopsetting (Set groups/items in shop, Join Discord for Tutorial)
  • !tempban <player_name> (Temporary ban a user)
  • !unban <player_name> (Unbans the specified player)
  • !unmute <player_name> (Unmutes a muted player)

You can do configuration in file Configuration.js

  • Don't change anything in the code, unless you know what are you doing!
  • Maybe this addon will not work if there other addon that have custom command and same prefix! 


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Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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