Addon: Tough as Bedrock

Get your hands on the brand new update of Tough as Bedrock, this addon improves the survival aspects of Minecraft with new features such as thirst or temperature. Explore the world paying attention to your temperature, be careful not to get dehydrated! This survival experience is not for beginners but if you are prepared enough. You may be able to last until your first night...
Created By weero_tmd
Addon Main Features:
This addon brings to your game a whole new experience, with its main additions being thirsty and temperature, both of these are enabled by default but you can also enable stamina which will make the game even more challenging.
The thirst bar is located above the hunger bar. The thirst bar empties over time and when you do activities such as sprinting or jumping. The thirst bar also empties when you are subject to extreme temperatures or when the environment you are in is arid.
If you are too thirsty you will be slowed, and when your thirst bar reaches zero you will start to slowly die.
To avoid this you will have to hydrate yourself, there are several ways to do it.
If you decide to drink water in the wild, your thirst bar will fill up but you will get a thirst effect, you also risk getting infected with parasites.
The best way to fill your thirst bar will therefore be to purify water. You can boil some in a furnace or over a fire, use filters, ghast tears and some talent in potions making, or even collect rainwater, which is much less toxic.
Stamina is an optional feature that can be activated with a command. The stamina bar is above the thirst bar and empties as you perform tiring activities.
When you have low stamina, your actions will be hampered and you will die over time. The stamina bar fills up over time and it fills up faster when the player is not active.
The temperature meter is located above your level. When you spawn in your world you are immune for 5 mins to extreme temperatures.
Be careful though as once those 5 minutes are up you will be at the mercy of the environment. The temperature meter represents your body temperature. When it's gray, your body temperature is balanced, you don't need to worry.
If the meter starts to turn blue, you're cooling down, but be careful not to get too cold, or you'll freeze to death.
If, on the other hand, your temperature meter goes towards red, then you are warming up. Here too if you get too hot you will die. Be careful when exploring the hottest biomes like the nether!
- You can protect yourself from extreme temperatures by wearing clothing, Volcano Armor for warmth and Winter Armor for cold.
- You can also drink an ice resistance potion or a fire resistance potion that will make you immune to extreme temperatures for a set amount of time.
- Eating ice cubes can also cool you down, maybe it could prove useful.
- You can use blocks such as coils and campfires to affect the temperature in an area.
- If you want to know the temperature of the environment you can use a thermometer. It's not very precise but it will give you an idea of what armor you should be wearing.
- Finally there is an artifact that makes you immune to extreme temperatures, it can be found in a guarded location underground, or in certain structures in the deserts.
- There are plenty of ways to play around these new restrictions and I haven't said everything, I'll let you have fun and discover what this addon can bring to your minecraft experience.
- /function start: Starts the addon
- /function stop: Stops the addon
- /function cleanworld: In case the addon stopped, try this
- /function settings: Opens the settings menu allowing you to enable/disable stamina or drink punching
- /function restart: Resets the addon
Enable experimental gameplay on your world or this addon will not work.