15-04-2024, 13:22

Addon: Ghost Block

15 446
Addon: Ghost Block

Have you ever wanted to pass through wall to make hidden room? or through floor to make easy trap? or use it to hide inside block? Then this addon is for you. This addon convert normal blocks into ghost block so you can able to pass through it, hide in it or make a flawless trap using it. 

Created By Vechrozilator

To make ghost block craft Soul Table first, it is another type of crafting table that is use only for converting normal blocks into ghost block. To craft it use 2 soul sand and 4 any planks like shown below. 

Using soul table is easy, no complicated pattern is required just place normal blocks in any crafting grid then this block will convert into Ghost Block. 

Download Ghost Block (.mcaddon)

[203.55 Kb] Downloads: 3881

Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. emma kate :)
    emma kate :)

    i mean if i knew where  to get them at in the creative menu it will be good

  2. Лох
    1. Ооаокооалал3окок💩
  3. admin
    Аскар Разетдинов,

    Вы включили экспериментальные опции?

  4. Аскар Разетдинов
    Аскар Разетдинов

    Почему я выкладываю в верстак вещи, а soul table не крафтится. Получается какой непонятный блок как земля только с какими то лианами зелеными, и он совсем не открывается.