16-07-2022, 08:49

Addon: Shin Godzilla

54 476
Addon: Shin Godzilla

Finally after a long time I'll introduce you the newest and updated shin godzilla addon! Updated it's Models, textures, and animations with new features added.The addon is movie based but it doesn't mean its 100% accurate to the movie.

Each Forms has thier own respected features.

Let's start with:

1st Form

Health: 20000

The first form of shin godzilla, can damage mobs within 12 blocks due to hot steam, can evolve into next Form.

2nd Form | Kamata Kun

Health: 5000

The Second Form of Shin Godzilla, you can sit him using bone but it won't stop him from evolving, can evolve into next Form.

3rd Form | Shinagawa Kun

Health: 110000

The 3rd Form of Shin Godzilla, the appearance is closer on traditional Godzilla but more turkey like, can evolve into next Form.


Before evolving he will do the Blood vomit.

4th Form | Kamakura San

The fourth form and mostly appeared in the movie as the creature who follows his instinct. Don't bother him and he will not bother you too!


Shin can kill you with his stomp while walking.

Shin moves only in one direction.

Use Stick to make him do snake move.

5th Form | Humanoids

The Final Form of shin(in the movie), to counter humanity.

Health: 80

Attack: 15-18

Note: You can summon them from Dead Shin's Tail by using Stick.


Download Shin Godzilla Mod (.mcaddon)

[16.06 Mb] Downloads: 25963

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Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: admin

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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  1. beka

    почему мод не работает на Майнкрафт. Лаунчер сколько распаковываю не работает на Пк

  2. егор

    у меня вс сработало

  3. Мухаммад
    Mr tapok,

    Единственый умный человек 

  4. Назар Наумов
    Назар Наумов

    Аплодисменты! Самий лучший мод на шын!

  5. Krip pro 290
    Krip pro 290

    Ля дебил...... 

  6. Тимур

    Как его скочать? Где второй фаел???

  7. Aleksandr Vostokov
    Aleksandr Vostokov

    привет. мне тоже интересно как его загрузить на PS4?

  8. Mr tapok
    Mr tapok
    Кнопка скачать и всë😐
  9. Алдияр

    Как скачать скожите пожалуйста

  10. Semka

    Я не понимаю как его загрузить обесните