Addon: Divine Dimension

Have you ever wanted a new portal in Minecraft? Have you ever wanted a brand new dimension in Minecraft? A new realm? Well you are in luck! This addon that will bring an entire realm to your map along with some brand new tools, armor and mobs aswell, also with a small boss fight.
Created By CrazyRap
This Addon starts with the Divine Portal FrameOnce you craft the Divine Portal Frame you will be able to make the portal to the divine realm. To complete the portal you will need a flint and steel and a Divine Pearl.
NOTE: Please dont place the first divine portal frame above Y level 90In order for you to make the portal you will need to place the Divine Portal Frame in front of you and light it on fire 4 times with the flint and steel, doing this will make the rest of the portal frame to appear in front of you, after that you will need to place the Divine Pearl at both ends of the frame and the portal will open!
Once you fully activated the portal then you will be ready to jump in it!
After jumping in it you should wake up in a beautiful new place called The Divine Realm!
Here you will have a brand new place to explore! first you will be greeted by the Divine Foxes and Divine Axolotls and maybe even see a few rare Divine Phantoms flying around, dont worry those are not hostile mobs towards you, well the Divine Axolotls will become very aggressive if you punch them so better to leave them alone. The Divine Phantoms on the other hand are your friends, they will gather items for you, much like the Allay, but faster.You will also find a small village, this village is protected by the Divine Evoker, this is a redeemed Evoker that wont be hostile towards you, unless you start attacking him or the villagers in his village.
In the middle of the island you should find a big temple, there you can start a mini boss fight against the Divine Blaze, Divine Zombies and some Divine Shulkers, your reward for winning is the Divine Sword, a sword that is much better than a Netherite Sword and will help you in the next boss fight, for clearing the entire temple you will also get the Divine Armor and the rest of the Divine Tools.
You can also craft the Tools and Armor using the Divine Ingot, but its very expensive, i suggest not losing your free pair that you got in the temple after the small boss fight.

Recipe Example for the Divine Tools:

Recipe Example For the Divine Armor:

The Divine Tools and Armor are better than Netherite but the addon also adds another set of tools, The Divine Wooden Tools, those are supposed to be as good as diamond tools.
Recipe Example for the Divine Wooden Tools:

This addon also adds two new types of wood (you can craft the Divine Wooden Tools with both types of Divine wood) you can also use this Wood to make planks, sticks and a crafting table, or just use as decorations. On the island you should also find a fully completed end portal and nether portal, probably because the ancient builders that were living in the Divine island already visited both the end and the nether.
Brand new island for you to explore! with more enemies and treasures for you aswell!
Also, now you can use the Divine Pearl as an Ender Pearl to travel between islands, but it has a cooldown of about 3 seconds.
The new island is protected by the new Divine Spider, I wouldn't go there unprepared, also each treasure room is very heavily guarded. Good Luck Have Fun..
There are lots of hidden treasures on the new island, the diamond block marks the treasure room, but don't be too greedy because that might be your downfall.. you will understand later:) I suggest you to stop at the 3rd treasure room inside the temple.
Brand new island, this one has more of a jungle theme
The 3rd island has a divine jungle temple that has lots of traps and secrets for you to explore It also has a boss room, but the island itself is pretty well guarded by the divine spider
Brand new villager island, this is the 4th island and this one may or may not help you piece together the lore of the Divine DimensionThis island is very relevant lore wise, but it will also give you lots of good loot to help you in the other battles
There is also another village society under the island's surface, this is where the less fortunate of the villagers live
The newest update brings you a brand new island, one that is very different than all the other ones, and it is based on an end themeThe higher up you go, the harder it is going to get
But you will also find the brand new Divine Apple as you climb up, this Apple is going to prove very useful in combat as you can use it to help you climb higher or you can keep it for future useThis update also adds a brand new mob, the Divine Wither Skeleton, this is a very powerful but also extremely rare mob, you will have the highest chance of finding him in the newest island, but you may also find him in other places as well
The newest update brings a brand new island. This island is themed around a pillager outpost
You will find many treasures and enemies to fight
There is also this small boss room, here you will find the best loot of this island, but you will have to search for it as it is well hidden (hint: search behind the lava)It also just so happens to be a great place for you to get a nice view:)
The newest update brings 2 new islands
In the middle of the island you will find something that should look rather familiar if you have been playing Minecraft for years
Yes, in the middle of the the island you will find the Divine Reactor, and im sure you can guess whats going to happen nextThis is the New Divine Spire, here you will find many rooms filled with enemies, clearing one room will allow you to climb higher, you will find great loot at the very top of the Spire
Now then, for the second island this update, you will find the same Divine Reactor, but this time it will do something else
This is the Divine Monument, it has some enemies and some loot at the very top, it also seems like a great place to start a house or a base in the Divine Dimension because of the great floor space, or just fill it with chests its up to you.The Divine Spire will always be the first and then the Divine Monument will always be the second one regardless of the island you are on, meaning that both the Divine Spire and the Divine Monument can be activated on either island depending on witch Divine Reactor you activate first.
This update also incluedes a brand new Divine Ship aswell, with monsters and treasures
NOTE: Enable EXPERIMENTAL GAMEPLAY in your world options in order to use this addon!!!