Addon: Gravity Gun

Do you like the weapon gravity gun in HALF-LIFE 2? This addon adds it to Minecraft! With the addon you can use gravity gun to control blocks, items or even entities!
Created By 鸥吃鱼
How to get super gravity gun?
It's craftable in survival mode.
How to use my super gravity gun?
After getting the super gravity gun, you will find that there are 2 aim-able crosshairs.
The blue one is for super gravity gun. You can aim the target you want to control with it. Hold long pressing/right clicking, you can drag the target.
When the target is controlled, you can sneak to pull it back to you.
Release long pressing/right clicking when you are sneaking, the target will fall in place. But if you release long pressing/right clicking without sneaking, you will shoot the target. This works on items and entities as well. But remember the super gravity gun will deal a lot of DMG while controlling, so the entity could die halfway.