1-06-2023, 19:42

Addon: The Haunted by Herobrine

19 978
Addon: The Haunted by Herobrine

Immerse yourself in the creepy atmosphere! Weird events, some jumpscares and a lot of randomness! The Herobrine AI acts as a Minecraft player! He randomly joins and leaves your world! (Also nice to scare your friends)

Created By DolphinMasterMB  

Good to know: The default time Herobrine spawns is between 10 seconds and 50 minutes! You could use function commands to make him spawn faster or even instant! Info: use different /function commands to adjust the addon to your preferences!

Odd events happen in your world! Those can be toggled to player preference, if needed!



If you turn experimental features on for your Minecraft world, you could find this mysterious book hidden in your last inventory slot! 


The Creator:

  • The Creator will hunt you when summoned with /function spawnmb or via the book
  • He attacks you, when not in peacefull mode
  • He has player like behaviors and is extremely unpredictable! He uses a huge arsenal of various weapons and tools, even some magic! 


Bonus [Nightmare mode]:

  • Give yourself the tag: "dark" with the command: /tag @a add dark
  • In this mode, you will play instantly at night! It gets even darker when Herobrine joins your world!

Download The Haunted by Herobrine (.mcaddon)

[11.17 Mb] Downloads: 15086


Turn on experimental options in map settings
Supported Minecraft Versions

Author: Steve

Category: Mods

ОS: android, windows, iOS

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